Monday, December 5, 2016


Proceed is my topic for this beautiful day. 

The word proceed comes from the Latin [procedure] composed by the prefix [pro] which means "forwards" and the term “cedere” which means "to go or walk." So, to proceed is to initiate a series of actions directed towards the future or looking forward.


I will proceed, my friendly blogger, to indicate that it’s always necessary to march forward because in this world the one who doesn’t advance, recedes; because there is no such stagnation. If someone thinks they are stuck, it means they are going backwards in life. If you intend to carry out a project and have a plan, then proceed; start that series of actions designed to achieve it. Begin the process or sequence of actions that will lead you toward your goals. If you take the first step, you’re already making huge progress. 


Remember that if this life doesn’t advance, it stagnates and if it stagnates, it recoils. So, it is best to walk steadily and safely towards your goals. Obviously, sometimes it recedes as life pushes us back, in that case for each step backwards take ten forward.

In my next blog I would like to touch upon  a topic that you suggest to me in "a single word", write to me today at and visit my wall at




Proceder es mi tema en este precioso día.

La palabra proceder proviene del latín [procederé], compuesto por el prefijo [pro], que significa “para adelante” y el término cedere que quiere decir “ir o caminar”. De modo que, proceder es iniciar una serie de acciones ordenadas de cara al futuro o mirando hacia adelante.


Procederé mi amigo lector a indicarle que es necesario siempre marchar hacia adelante, porque en este mundo el que no avanza retrocede, ya que no hay tal estancamiento. Si alguien cree que está estancado, significa que va para atrás en la vida. Si usted se propone llevar a cabo un proyecto y tiene un plan, proceda, inicie dicha serie de acciones trazadas para lograrlo. Comience el proceso o sucesión de acciones que lo conducirán hacia sus metas. Si usted da el primer paso, ya avanzo enormemente. 


Recuerde que si en esta vida no avanza, se estanca y si se estanca, retrocede. De modo, que lo mejor es caminar con paso firme y seguro hacia sus objetivos. Obviamente, a veces se retrocede pues la vida nos empuja hacia atrás, en ese caso por cada paso para atrás de diez hacia adelante.

En mi próximo blog me gustaría tocar un tema que usted me sugiera en "una sola palabra", escríbame hoy a y visite mi muro en

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Impulse is my topic for today.

The etymological origin of the word impulse comes from the Latin “inpulsus”, composed by the prefix “in” which means "inward" and the passive participle “pulsus” which means "push or set in motion." In other words impulse is the action of pushing a thing, an idea or a project or putting it into motion. 


My beloved blogger, many times we only need an impulse or a push to begin or continue with a purpose. Sometimes that impulse is given to us by someone with advice or with economic support, but generally must come from the depths of our being. It is an impulse from the inside out. This thrust comes from deep emotion. I don’t mean that one should  act impulsively or without thinking but after having planned and received internal motivation we do what we must do. 


If there is something in your life that was left on the inkwell or waiting list take that project back and start it. Don’t leave things halfway, finish and finish well what has been proposed.

In my next blog I would like to touch a topic upon that you suggest to me in "a single word", write to me today at and visit my wall at

Friday, December 2, 2016


Happiness is my topic for today. 

The word happiness comes from the word "happy", which comes from the Latin "felix", meaning "strong or fertile". As we know the origin of this word is agricultural. Years ago there was talk about a felix tree, a tree that gave so much fruit. Unhappy trees are those that bear no fruit. Happiness is then the mood of a person who feels satisfied with life, full, and emotionally strong.


If happiness is a state of mind, it means that it is achieved internally, not externally in things, goods, or money. Many people think that when they have money or more money they will be happy. Lots of money is not equal to lots of happiness; also less money is not equal as less happiness. The correct equation is: Lots of personal satisfaction and inner peace, is equal to lots of happiness. MY ADVICE: Look for happiness within yourself, not outside of you. Only there will you find that you can feel pleased, at ease, content and full. Certainly material things make our lives easier, but spiritual matters are the ones that offer us true happiness.

In my next blog I would like to touch upon a topic that you suggest to me in "a single word", write to me today at and visit my wall at

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Courage is my topic for today.

The word courage comes from the Greek word "anemos" which means "wind or breathe," it’s also allusive to the term encourage or soul. As we see, courage is a state of positive energy that comes from the soul or from within the person.


If courage is to have positive energy, discourage is not having energy, not having eager or desire to do anything. Therefore, you and I must live with good courage, with internal strength, with the desire to carry out projects and do them well. "Cartoons" for example, are called the drawings or images that come to life or move because they have visual sequences. A lively person has life, has desires to do things, is enterprising, and has clear objectives, so they plan, organize and get to work. 


Live always with the disposition to advance in life, live with spirit. Obviously, things will not always go well. But don’t lose faith, or desire to move forward. Let nothing or no one stop you in your purpose of achieving your goals by doing it right.

In my next program I would like to touch upon  a topic that you suggest to me in "a single word", write to me today at and visit my wall at