Thursday, March 25, 2010



Pastores Vargas

His Family,

His Personal Life and

His Ministerial Call

Mynor Vargas, Pastor and International Evangelist, 43 years old, born in a remote mountain of Guatemala in Central America, far-off the Motagua River Shores, minutes from the border line of Honduras.

At only two months of age, Vargas believes God performed the First Miracle of his life, when hurricane "Fifi" struck the ostracized mountains where he and his parents lived. The testimony narrates that about 30 seconds after he was taken away from where he was sleeping in a humble wooden cradle, the entire wicker ranch was blown away in thousands of FRAGMENTS.

Cruzada Mynor Vargas y Dany Lovet
From that time and until today, Mynor Vargas has experienced in multiple occasions the MIRACLE helping hand of God near him, near his Family and near his Ministry.

Mynor has resided in the city of Providence, Rhode Island for the past 33 years; he has been happily married to Worship Singer and Pastor Blanca Lisseth for 26 years; they have 5 children: Mynor Gabriel (24), Mark Andrews (19), Sheyna Lizzeth (17), Jacob Timothy (15) and Matthew (10). They share their beautiful home with their three Basset Hound's "Floppy" (5), Nacho (4), Pebbles (2) and their Cat "Tiger Armani" (1).

25 Aniversario
Pastor Vargas travels up to 100,000 miles each year ministering to all nations, ethnics and social levels. Celebrates small and large crusades and leadership seminars all around the Spanish Speaking World. Vargas has shared the Gospel with Presidents, Governors, Mayors, Ambassadors, Business People, and furthermore with the most humble Latinos in small and large metropolis, also with Indians from different tribes in far away mountains from Central America and jungles in the Amazons of South America and beyond. He started his theological studies at the Eastern Biblical and Ministerial Institute of New England; because of his busy traveling itinerary he was forced to continue studying by correspondence at the Kingsway College where he acquired an Honorary Doctorate Degree of Divinity, also a Doctorate Degree in Ministry from the Southern California Graduate School of Theology and finally a Degree in Church Growth from the Evangelical University of the Dominican Republic. He was born into a Christian Family and personally gave his life to Christ at the age of 9 in a "Tent Crusade" hosted by North American Preachers Glen and Charlette.

Dr. Mynor Vargas preaches the Powerful Message of Salvation daily to over 12,000,000 people using all kinds of media communications. His Radio Programs are broadcasted daily on over 922 radio stations in 23 countries. He is an author of two sold out books: "The New Anointing" and "When the Wind Lashes" also author of Great Selling Audio Book "Don't Let Anyone Steal your Dream", he has also written different published Ministerial Courses to be used as correspondence seminars: "First Steps of an Evangelist", "How to Preach Successfully", "Basics for Becoming a World Missionary" and "Personal Evangelism".

Mynor Vargas two favorite personal quotes:
#1 God wants to do BIG things with SMALL people
#2 In the SMALL things you have been faithful in the LARGE I will trust you.

Dr. Mynor Vargas



Pastores Vargas
Mynor Vargas, ha sido Pastor y Evangelista Internacional por mas de dos décadas y media. Nació en un humilde pedazo de rancho, en una remota montaña localizada entre Guatemala y Honduras, al otro lado del río Motagua. Dios le llamó y ungió para un Ministerio netamente de fe.
Hoy en día Mynor viaja hasta 100,000 millas por año por todo Latinoamérica, El Caribe, parte de Europa y Asia llevando la Palabra de Salvación y explorando nuevas avenidas para la expansión del Reino. Sus programas radiales son transmitidos a través de 922 emisoras de radio, 10,000 veces al mes a mas de 12,000,000 de oyentes.
Su mensaje es de Salvación y Edificación, las masas o los pequeños grupos que le escuchan son totalmente transformados por el poder de la Palabra de Dios; Cuando hace llamados a venir a los pies de Cristo, centenares aceptan la Gran Oferta de Salvación. Cuando diserta conferencias de Liderazgo, Motivación o Estrategia, sus audiencias son retadas a un cambio de vida hacia la excelencia y la expansión.
Cruzada Mynor Vargas y Dany Lovet

Vargas es autor de varios libros, cursos por correspondencia, folletos evangelisticos y audio libros. Entre los títulos de Mayor Venta y Totalmente Agotados están: "Nadie Robe tu Sueño", "Cuando el Viento Azota", "La Nueva Unción", "Primeros Pasos de un Evangelista", etc.

Sus diversas actividades incluyen: Ser Asesor Ejecutivo de varios Ministerios con Proyectos Multi-Millonarios. Es Presidente Fundador del Consorcio Internacional Shalom, Miembro Fundador Vitalicio de COICOM. Finalmente Mynor confiesa gozarse hasta el último instante de cada una de sus actividades.


Mynor Vargas, Títulos Universitarios: Doctor en Divinidades (Kingsway College, Iowa), Doctor en Ministerios (Southern California Graduate School of Theology, California), Profesor en Igle-Crecimiento (Universidad Nacional Evangélica, República Dominicana). Estudios Vocacionales incluyen, Ciencias de la Comunicación: TV, Radio, Prensa, Artes Graficas, Fotografía Profesional, Web, Administración de Empresas, etc. Por cada uno de estos estudios ha adquirido certificados y diplomas respectivos.
25 Aniversario

Mynor Vargas vive en la bella ciudad de Providence, Rhode Island, Estados Unidos de Norte América. Esta felizmente casado con Blanca Lisseth con quien ha compartido 26 años de su vida y juntos han procreado 5 hijos: Mynor Gabriel (24), Mark Andrews (19), Sheyna Lisseth (17), Jacob Timothy (16) y Matthew (10) todos ellos comparten su amplia casa con sus adorables perros Basseth Hound "Floppy" (5), Nacho (3) Pebbles (2) y su Gato "Tiger Armani" (1).

Hijos del Dr. Mynor

Mynor Vargas, su esposa e hijos, en su vida cotidiana disfrutan de vacaciones, los parques alimentando los gansos, patos y pichones, también de las playas en verano, los parques de diversiones, la música clásica, un poco de golf, el buen café compartido con amigos y familiares y por supuesto sin dejar de mencionar "Las sopas que cocina su madre".